Memory Overload in Grief
When Memories of The Dead Overload Our Circuits Grief expert Marty Tousley, CNS-BC, FT, DCC recently listed the signs of what disbelief or denial looks like in individuals who have suffered the…
When Memories of The Dead Overload Our Circuits Grief expert Marty Tousley, CNS-BC, FT, DCC recently listed the signs of what disbelief or denial looks like in individuals who have suffered the…
Doing No-Thing: a 2-Way Exercise The art of doing no-thing with a needy patient is different from doing nothing for a needy patient. It's an exercise in self-restraint for…
In Alina Tugend's recent article about memory-keeping in the wake of Hurricane Sandy,"The Meaning in a Drawer Full of Old Family Snapshots" (NYTimes, 11-17-12) Professor A. Joan Saab, an associate profesor of…
Anita Wills, host of “Anita Talks Genealogy” on Blog Talk Radio interviewed me about my Ancestor Dreamscape work on April 11, 2011 from her California studio. Wills, the author of…
Linda Coffin knows one thing, and that is that narrative and design “simply must go hand-in-hand if we want to do justice to the story.” In a recent thread on…
Nancy's warring mother and grandmother Psychologist Elizabeth Lombardo, author of the happiness guidebook, "A Happy You: Your Ultimate Prescription for Happiness" tells us "...the proverbial 'hit the pillow to get aggression out…
Can a healing photo montage - not just metaphorically but literally - commingle our public and private selves? Wrestling with the death of her grandchild, a professional grief counselor was…
Below is the interview reprinted in full with Thomas MacEntee of High Definition Genealogy and the founder of MacEntee is a genealogist specializing in the use of technology and…
It's a historian's professional obligation to dispel myths and legends writes Gordon Wood (No Thanks for the Memories, The New York Review of Books, Jan. 13, 2011, ). But sometimes the…
Prescriptive photomontage for Shirley H Retelling the story of loss hurts. A normal component of grief recovery, it is often as painful as the loss itself. I remember one widow's words which always…
What do you get your college-age nephew, your sister who's graduating, or your 20-something running buddy? A photo gift that makes them look epic. I'm Nancy Gershman, a digital artist…
[Jump ahead to find out why these symbols are in Fran and Rick's custom photo collage: a smiley face ping pong ball, an image of the Attaché Motel, a…