Storytelling Photo Gifts for College Kids

College kids are still little kids who love when you’re paying attention.  When I do custom storytelling photomontages for college kids, I always begin by asking for stories. What memories stand out that feature their accomplishments in dance or theater, sports or Model UN? Are there any particularly funny or moving memories, involving Mom or Dad, siblings or grandparents? Is there a special recollection of an outfit they used to wear when they went to church or pretended they were a super-hero?  

For Inspiration: Go To My Gallery Pages

Check out all of the meaningful photo gifts I’ve created for college kids and college grads over the years by using the drop down on my Gallery page and viewing all “Graduation” Dreamscapes.  Some I created for the homesick college kid; others for the college kid with a brand new apartment and bare walls. Still other photo gifts I created for the college kid with an old soul and serious aspirations.  Here are some of my favorites:


Photo Gifts from Your College Kid’s Amateur Photography

Mushroom photomontage by Digital Artist Nancy GershmanThe other great resource to tap is your college kid’s own photography -especially if they are avid amateur photographers. Most likely they will be looking for a place of their own after college, and would really appreciate artwork created from their prized photographs.  Especially when these photographs are of the same subject, they’ll realize they need a vehicle that shows off the subtle differences between each one. So a photomontage makes perfect sense.

For example,  I once combined multiple nature photographs of forest mushrooms into a single photomontage (see Fig. 1) for the express purpose of making it into a photo purse for my client’s granddaughter. Which brings up a good point: if your college kid is a fashion plate or if they will be soon in the market for a cool home accessory, you can upload any photomontage I create from your photos, and have it printed on a photo purse, blanket or even a trivet!

Wrap up your storytelling photo collage as a framed print, or have it made into a photo gift your college kid can’t wait to put up in their new apartment.  

Remember — before my schedule gets full and to guarantee your storytelling photomontage’s delivery, reserve my time by placing your order at least 4-6 weeks before it’s due on my Order Now! page.  Can’t wait to work on this wonderful gift for that special college kid in your life!

 –  Nancy