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Artist Nancy Gershman reviewing a Dreamscape

Change Your Luck: Consult a Memory Decorator

The Memory Decorator and digital artist, Nancy Gershman
The Memory Decorator and digital artist, Nancy Gershman

Shrinks listen to our hit lists and wish lists; then note our sorry habits and verbal skills. Architects ask us to describe our dream house; then watch how we really use our space. Interior designers ask us whose lifestyle we envy; then study the magazines we read. What’s this say about humans? We can’t really see ourselves; we don’t often know what’s good for us; and according to these professionals, we’re not alone in our misery and wants. We yearn to be understood and memorable. That’s why we invented coaches and consultants.

Not only have they seen it all. But they offer something priceless: the professional distance to see our lives with 20-20 hindsight. When they encourage us to talk about our hopes and dreams, they allow us to be children again. With their solutions and suggestions, we can try on new looks without the risk of making a misstep that we’ll  regret later.

Get Thee To A Memory Decorator

Just as there’s a professional for sprucing up our personal space, wardrobe, and our choices in life partners, there’s also a professional for revamping our memories for a more positive take on life. This professional is called a Memory Decorator: a custom photomontage artist who creates (custom) wishful reality to counter regrets, guilt and envy.

Sit down with her for a photo review and she will ask you all sorts of provocative questions about your secret dreams, wishes and longings for yourself, or others. Then she will turn all those unproductive and sometimes corrosive musings into a fabulous, meaning-laden photomontage.

As a professional with humor in her arsenal, the Memory Decorator employs irony, symbolism, exaggeration — anything that will move you over from the negative to the positive, where you can laugh at yourself.

So here’s an example of what she does. If there was something you could change about your life, what would it be? Did you wish you took Grandpa to the casino? Are you sorry you couldn’t afford to send those newlyweds to Tahiti?  Would you have liked your husband to get the Congressional Medal of Honor pinned to his lapel?

Tell this digital artist, and she’ll repurpose your personal photos, adding backdrops and meaningful objects from her own photography. With a new and improved reality in the form of a custom digital photomontage, you get a new lease on life! Your life becomes a work of art that restores you every time you study it.

So think about this:

  • Are you (or someone you know) pining for peace in the family? Are you tired of all the stress and the bickering?
  • Have you just experienced the loss of a loved one, and feel like a piece of you is missing?
  • Has a friend ever (secretly) divulged a dream they’ve held onto for years ?
  • Do you want to feel hopeful again – without cosmetic surgery, changing jobs or moving to a new city? Without spending thousands of dollars on a new wardrobe or renovated kitchen?

If all you had to do to change your life was have a digital artist play with your photos, memories, stories and epiphanies, wouldn’t you do it?