Enter Coupon Code FFPOP13
Fans and Followers: Order a custom Father’s Day photomontage on my Order Now! page, and become eligible to win two (2) free images – a value of $120 – simply by dropping your name into the hat.
Enter coupon code FFPOP13 upon checkout
Imagine a Dreamscape made of Dad’s or Grandpa’s sweetest memories, longest held wish or outlandish fantasy. What other gift can you give that will have Dad blinking back tears and crushing you in a bear hug? The most meaningful Father’s Day gift you can buy a grandpa, Dad, godfather or uncle is right here at your fingertips:
- a custom photomontage portrait of your father’s life over many decades, filled with his accomplishments (or practical jokes) … Or maybe a fantasy scene he often jokes about being the star of?
- created from his personal photos, memories – or your family stories
- custom-made by a fine artist who specializes in meaning-making whose solo work was shown at The Loyola University Museum of Art (Chicago) and The MSB Gallery (New York City)
Wrap up your storytelling photo collage as a framed print, or have it made into a photo gift for him to show off what a thoughtful gift-giver you are! Order now!
For Inspiration, Go To My Gallery Pages
Fans and Followers: Check out all of the meaningful Father’s Day photo collages I’ve created over the years by using the drop down on my Gallery page and viewing all “Father’s Day” Dreamscapes.
- Irwin G’s field of steaming potatoes
- Vitaly G’s flight from shtetl to Moscow U
- Dadda Z’s fantasy to beat Bobby Fischer at chess
- Charlie R’s dream to anchor World Series ’55
- Curtis D’s life review from age 3 to 70
Remember — before my schedule gets full and to guarantee your storytelling photo collage art arrives in time for Father’s Day, reserve my time by placing your order before Friday, June 7, 2013 on my Order Now! page. Can’t wait to work on this wonderful Father’s Day gift for that special man in your life! Don’t forget fans and followers, enter FFPOP13 on checkout to win those two free images …
– Nancy