David was dead set on singing in Wales
Total images: 6 George Estevez is David Mayer’s partner for 57 years, and then he’s gone, throwing David into a tailspin. Grief has made old
Total images: 6 George Estevez is David Mayer’s partner for 57 years, and then he’s gone, throwing David into a tailspin. Grief has made old
Total images: 7 [Zindi’s 13-year old son Corey and her brother Laz died in a fatal car accident] Zindi has a “strong feeling” after their
Total images: 11 (including blackboard text) Dave Hitchens, a reknowned professor, is dying. For her own personal healing, wife Joan begins a legacy book to
Total images: 9 A loving wife commissions a black and white valentine in the form of a legacy photomontage portrait of three generations. This work
Total images: 8 How do we approach the elephant in the room, when a young man – a flying instructor who loves flying? – dies in
Total images: 9 This Healing Dreamscape was principally to be Carl’s anniversary gift. The “Joy of Fishing” theme would include Carl’s children from his first
Total images: 3 [Sarah, 2-years old, died from an inoperable brain tumor] It began as an early Mother’s Day gift: a photo purse that would
Before I created this legacy photomontage, Vitaly’s son Anatole shared the backstory behind his wonderful historical photographs: “In 1935 Vitaly was accepted to study chemistry
Tish owes her 10 year recovery from anorexia to EMDR and the emotional support she could count on from her mother and grandmother. In the
Total images from the family: 2 According to her bereavement counselor, Jane was taking her mother’s death quite hard, and packing up Sylvia’s belongings was becoming a big trigger for