3CE LIVE ONLINE TRAINING | The Ace Foundation (Jan 2025)
Discover a way to arrive at the memory our client needs in order to move them from isolation to re-integration in the world?
Discover a way to arrive at the memory our client needs in order to move them from isolation to re-integration in the world?
"Alternatives to months and years of being limited to sadness." - Psychotherapist
"Nancy, you provided a missing key I’ve been trying to find in my Art Therapy work." - Expressive Arts therapist
"Some of these things I learned in Somatic Experiencing training and some from my own creativity. But this helps me figure out how to pull it all together." - Psychotherapist
"It's a little like being a forensic portrait artist. You bring a client's vision to life. It never occurred to me to create this for clients." - Art Therapist
"Wonderful job in moving in between practical application, concepts of grief and demos. Lovely!" - Psychotherapist New York City SESSION TITLE: “Liberating Joy from Loss Through Prescriptive Memory-Making and Dyadic Creativity”…
“It integrates the nice, missed felt sense memories of attention, care, family tradition into daily life, creating an antidote for toxic experience.”
“I so seldom find a technique that utilizes the positive aspects of having known the person vs. coping with their absence. I believe Dreamscaping is just the ticket for my “stuck” clients in later grief.” - Bereavement Counselor
"This process really resonates with me and gives a structure or container for the 'hows' of using images to process the hard stuff. Thank you for bringing it into the world!" - Donni Hakanson, Mental Health Counselor
"I cannot wait to try this on myself and then dreamscape with my clients and others to help them overcome blocks. Dreamscaping is such an amazing and healing tool to have in my arsenal of creative healing instruments—thank you Nancy!" - Psychotherapist