January 14, 2022
SESSION TITLE: “Dreamscaping Joy from Loss Through Prescriptive Memory-Making and Dyadic Creativity” Months, even years after the loss of a person, place, pet or thing, do your clients complain about a dwindling support system or joys eclipsed by hopelessness or choice-lessness? Dreamscaping and prescriptive memory-making— as taught by its developer Nancy Gershman— is a novel technique for identifying unrealized unmet needs by excavating felt-sense memories of positive emotion and arriving at the memory your client needs. The pay-off is two fold: memory reconsolidation (the updating of a long term distressing memory,) and the creation of a tangible prescriptive memory (the “dreamscape”) that can be shared with a support network driven away by a problem-focused life. FACULTY: Nancy Gershman, LMSW Friday, January 14, 2022: 12:30pm EST -2:00pm EST. DESCRIPTION (pg. 9/34): Click here REGISTER: Click here
Nancy Gershman LMSW, is a memory artist and the developer of Dreamscaping, an imaginal and photo-based therapy for working with loss of a person, place or thing, supported by the way memories get encoded in the brain. An international presenter, Nancy is also a full-time therapist with BHAVA Therapy Group in New York City. Her publications include Prescriptive Memories in Grief and Loss: The Art of Dreamscaping (Routledge, 2019) with Barbara E. Thompson, and case studies in Robert A. Neimeyer’s Techniques of Grief Therapy (Routledge, 2012, 2016). Her Dreamscaping work with end-of-life patients and their families at Visiting Nurse Service of NY was featured on NY1’s “New Yorker of the Week” (2016). Her work with the eating-disordered culminated in the traveling exhibit, “The Brides of Ed” (2013). Since 2013, she hosts Death Café New York City. | |