Experiential and Worldwide
3CE LIVE ONLINE TRAINING | Expressive Therapies Summit (Nov 2023)
"Nancy, you provided a missing key I’ve been trying to find in my Art Therapy…
3CE LIVE ONLINE TRAINING | Academy of Integrative Mental Health (Sept 2023)
New York City SESSION TITLE: “Liberating Joy from Loss Through Prescriptive Memory-Making and Dyadic Creativity” …
3CE LIVE ONLINE TRAINING | Expressive Therapies Summit (April 2023)
New York City SESSION TITLE: “Liberating Joy from Loss Through Prescriptive Memory-Making and Dyadic Creativity” FACULTY: …
2.5CE LIVE ONLINE TRAINING | NYC Therapy Group (Oct. 2022)
Virtual Training SESSION TITLE: “Healing Loss Through Prescriptive Memory-Making and Dyadic Creativity” Sunday, Oct. 16,…
3CE LIVE ONLINE TRAINING | Expressive Therapies Summit (Nov. 2022)
The clarity and specificity of Nancy's dreamscapes were amazing. Nancy has a very clear technique…
3CE LIVE ONLINE TRAINING | Expressive Therapies Summit (LA, April 2022)
Virtual Training SESSION TITLE: “Liberating Joy from Loss Through Prescriptive Memory-Making and Dyadic Creativity” FACULTY: …
1.5-hr LIVE ONLINE TRAINING | 14th International Expressive Arts Therapy Conference (2022)
January 14, 2022 Virtual Workshop SESSION TITLE: “Dreamscaping Joy from Loss Through Prescriptive Memory-Making and Dyadic…
3CE LIVE ONLINE TRAINING | Expressive Therapies Summit (NY, Fall 2021)
"I so seldom find a technique that utilizes the positive aspects of having known the…
2CE LIVE ONLINE TRAINING | BHAVA Therapy Group (NY, Fall 2021)
Virtual Training SESSION TITLE: “Dreamscaping Loss Through Prescriptive Memory-Making and Dyadic Creativity” Sunday, Sept. 26,…
4CE LIVE ONLINE TRAINING | Expressive Therapies Summit (LA, Spring 2021)
"This process really resonates with me and gives a structure or container for the 'hows'…
2-hr LIVE ONLINE TRAINING | Portland Institute for Loss and Transition (2021)
"Dreamscaping can be emotionally less taxing on client’s physiology and can be energizing." Grace B.…
"This training really helped me understand better how to assist clients in coming to a…
4CE LIVE ONLINE TRAINING | Expressive Therapies Summit (NY 2020)
"An innovative, truly transdisciplinary approach. It will be exciting to try it out on my…
2 DAY WORKSHOP | Peninsula Home Hospice (Australia 2019)
"This is a great intervention for grieving clients – particularly when death due to suicide—sudden,…
4CE LIVE ONLINE TRAINING | Expressive Therapies Summit (NY 2016)
Sunday, November 13, 2016 Announcing my upcoming workshop at the Seventh Annual Expressive Therapies Summit in…
Workshop | Creative Centre PSYforte (Moscow, Russia)
March 13, 2015 In her workshop, "Constructing a New Memory," memory artist, Nancy Gershman talked about the discoveries…