Speaker | Create Fest Video Summit 2016

CreateFest Video SummitFebruary 26, 2016

Memory artist Nancy Gershman joins twelve other mental health professionals in Courtney Armstrong’s two day-long Create Fest Video Summit, sharing her out-of-the-box approach to easing grief.

Gershman’s activity is called “Prescribe a Memory”. In this self-directed exercise, she asks: Is the death of a pet or person still impacting you today? Thanks to a new understanding of the emotional brain, it’s now possible to overwrite the distressing memories of a past loss by constructing a vivid new memory (and call to action) through resourcing existing memory. Guiding you with questions, let’s start with a little writing exercise. A visualization exercise follows, and if you’re on a roll, why not make your new memory even more tangible by drawing or collaging it (totally optional, but make sure you have a scissor, repositionable glue sticks, pens/pencils, and magazines handy). What‘s the takeaway? A powerful Rx for this and any future loss.