3CE LIVE ONLINE TRAINING | Expressive Therapies Summit (NY, Nov 2023)
"Nancy, you provided a missing key I’ve been trying to find in my Art Therapy work." - Expressive Arts therapist
"Nancy, you provided a missing key I’ve been trying to find in my Art Therapy work." - Expressive Arts therapist
"Some of these things I learned in Somatic Experiencing training and some from my own creativity. But this helps me figure out how to pull it all together." - Psychotherapist
"It's a little like being a forensic portrait artist. You bring a client's vision to life. It never occurred to me to create this for clients." - Art Therapist
"Wonderful job in moving in between practical application, concepts of grief and demos. Lovely!" - Psychotherapist New York City SESSION TITLE: “Liberating Joy from Loss Through Prescriptive Memory-Making and Dyadic Creativity”…
“It integrates the nice, missed felt sense memories of attention, care, family tradition into daily life, creating an antidote for toxic experience.”
“I so seldom find a technique that utilizes the positive aspects of having known the person vs. coping with their absence. I believe Dreamscaping is just the ticket for my “stuck” clients in later grief.” - Bereavement Counselor
"This process really resonates with me and gives a structure or container for the 'hows' of using images to process the hard stuff. Thank you for bringing it into the world!" - Donni Hakanson, Mental Health Counselor