GUEST | To Grieve Podcast
November 9, 2018 Asheville, NC. This episode features 4 of the nearly 40 artists featured on The website acts as a free directory of creatives from across the United…
November 9, 2018 Asheville, NC. This episode features 4 of the nearly 40 artists featured on The website acts as a free directory of creatives from across the United…
April, 5, 2017 Memory artist, Nancy Gershman presenting "Dreamscaping in Grief Therapy: Consolation Through Prescriptive Memories" in Robert Neimeyer's advanced course on complicated grief and bereavement (ADEC Pre-Conference). Attendees were primarily…
March 23, 2017 Dr. Heidi Horsley invites memory artist, Nancy Gershman to come and talk about her latest work on prescriptive memories and dreamscaping for the end of life patients…
March 23, 2017 Dr. Heidi Horsley invites memory artist, Nancy Gershman to come and talk about her latest work on prescriptive memories and dreamscaping for the end of life patients…
An opening night virtual tour through artist Nancy Gershman’s 2008-9 solo show at The Loyola University Museum of Art in Chicago. featuring commissioned works of wishful reality in the form…