Presenter | ADEC Pre-Conference Institute’s Advanced Course with Robert Neimeyer
April, 5, 2017 Memory artist, Nancy Gershman presenting "Dreamscaping in Grief Therapy: Consolation Through Prescriptive Memories" in Robert Neimeyer's advanced course on complicated grief and bereavement (ADEC Pre-Conference). Attendees were primarily…
Interview | Open To Hope Radio 2017
March 23, 2017 Dr. Heidi Horsley invites memory artist, Nancy Gershman to come and talk about her latest work on prescriptive memories and dreamscaping for the end of life patients…
GUEST | Open To Hope TV 2016
Saturday, Oct. 8, 2016 Family member, Debla Hargreaves and memory artist, Nancy Gershman talk to the psychologists, Gloria and Heidi Horsley about how they collaborated on a "postage stamp" Dreamscape to memorialize Debla's father. …
4CE LIVE ONLINE TRAINING | Expressive Therapies Summit (NY, Nov 2016)
"The experiential really clarified the interaction and Nancy's role, and the playful, collaborative, positive, good-feeling sense of the process made me want to remember more details about people I've lost." - Art Therapist
FEATURED | NY1’s New Yorker of The Week
March 4, 2016 "Nancy Gershman Brings Light to Families During Their Darkest Hours" NY1 News featured VNSNY Haven Hospice bereavement volunteer Nancy Gershman in a New Yorker of the Week segment. …
WINNER | Create Fest’s Soaring Sun Award
"Nancy Gershman gets the Soaring Sun Award this month for her live contribution at Create Fest 2016, The First Annual Online Creativity Festival for Mental Health Professionals Nancy Gershman is…
PANELIST | Power of Personal Imagery Conference (Hofstra University)
April 14, 2016 Presented by the Creative Arts Therapy Program at Hofstra University School of Health Professions, The Power of Personal Imagery Conference invites three therapeutic art-makers -the digital artist, Nancy Gershman and…
Speaker | Create Fest Video Summit 2016
February 26, 2016 Memory artist Nancy Gershman joins twelve other mental health professionals in Courtney Armstrong's two day-long Create Fest Video Summit, sharing her out-of-the-box approach to easing grief. Gershman's activity is called “Prescribe…
Workshop | Creative Centre PSYforte (Moscow, Russia)
March 13, 2015 In her workshop, "Constructing a New Memory," memory artist, Nancy Gershman talked about the discoveries within cognitive neuroscience that now make it possible to overwrite a distressing memory with a…
Memory Artist from NYC Gives a Talk at First Moscow Hospice
Feb. 12, 2015: Художник памяти» из нью-йоркского хосписа (Moscow, Russia)
ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE | First Moscow Hospice (Moscow, Russia)
February 11, 2015 At First Moscow Hospice (Russia), memory artist, Nancy Gershman gives an in-service talk on her work as a memory artist at Visiting Nurse Service of NY's Haven Hospice in New…